To develop the business of Independent Distributors and promote the concept of a healthy lifestyle, the Company recommends that Independent Distributors hold events for educational, developmental, motivational, and other purposes, while following the following rules:

6.1. Registration of the Meeting/Event and Approval by the Company

6.1.1. Any meetings with more than 80 participants must be registered and approved by the Company. Applications for events should be sent to the email address

6.1.2. Approval of meetings/events is solely done by the Company. The Company reserves the right to establish criteria limiting the number of participants in a meeting/event, as well as other reasonable restrictions regarding such meetings/events prior to granting official permission to hold them.

6.2. The Requirements for Speeches at Meetings/Events

6.2.1. The speakers at meetings/events can be Independent Distributors who:

6.2.2. Speakers who are not Independent Distributors of Coral Club must obtain approval from the Company before providing a speech at meetings/events.

6.2.3. The participation of an Independent Distributor in any meeting/event must be completely voluntary.

6.2.4. To avoid any incorrect interpretation of information by viewers and listeners at meetings/events, all speakers must take into account the following during the preparation of their speeches:

6.3. It is necessary to adhere to the concept:

Coral Club products are nutritional supplements, not medicine. They are designed to help support a healthy organism, but are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.